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TPD Compliant TPD Compliant

What is TPD?

  • The Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) refers to Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, namely to approximate the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products. TPD states that the manufacturers and/or importers are responsible to guarantee quality and security of their products and in compliance with all related requirements below:
Product Restrictions
  • Nicotine concentration ≤ 20 mg/mL.
  • A consistent nicotine dosage.
  • A refill container of 10 ml maximum.
  • A 2 ml maximum size for recharge cartridges or tanks.
Packaging and Labeling
  • Display information on the safe use of products;
  • Carry appropriate health warnings;
  • Not include any misleading elements or features
Other Data
  • Reporting of ingredients and emissions;
  • Relevant toxicological data.
Notification (EU & UK)
  • The manufacturers and / or importers have to notify the relevant authorities six months before their tobacco products are launched in EU via the European common entry gate (EU-CEG).
  • Remark: In the UK except Northern Ireland, because of Brexit new tobacco products must be notified through the MHRA Submission portal rather than EU-CEG.
  • Since Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) in EU came into effect on May 2016, ALD has been continuously striving to fully meet TPD requirements. At present, the following ALD products have already met the EU TPD standard and been on the positive list of the related countries.


Shenzhen Qingjin Technology Co.,Ltd

BD Manager Leila
0086 15817466658
Sales Manager Bella
0086 18680684875